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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Unending Pain

I thought I could escape the pain,
I thought it will pass with the rain,
But all my efforts washed away in vain,
I lie here all alone getting insane.

I don’t understand why I never succeed,
I don’t know why I still have the need,
When will my heart n mind be freed?
When will all this end and I stop to bleed?

When will I stop being blown?
When will they change their sarcastic tone?
I want to be ever out of this zone,
I never ever wanna feel so alone.

Why do I always end up alone in bed?
Counting the tears which are fruitlessly shed,
Why do I always bleed so red?
Why am I alive and still not dead?

Sunday, August 22, 2010

A million dollar smile in ten rupees only!

                  On my way to work today, I saw a child who was not more than 3 years old. He stood in shabby clothes, by the signal, waiting for cars to stop so he could beg for money. My car was the first one to approach the changing red light and the boy outstretched his arm, signaling me to stop. He came closer to my window and was trying hard to see in through as he was so small. I pulled down my windows, and he looked at me with expectant eyes. I wanted to give him something special. And a one rupee coin would make him happy, I knew that. But from my wallet I took out the 10 rupee coin, which is very rare to get and which was the only one I ever got. i gave him the coin and waited for his response. He gave me the sweetest smile, I ever received. He gave me the sweetest smile, I ever received. It was a smile which said thanks, which made me want to hug him at a point of time. His innocence touched my heart in ways I never knew something could. He kept looking at the coin for about 30 seconds. He had no idea of its value, but he knew the coin was different and admired the shiny texture. He looked at me again, and showed me the coin with another smile. He came closer to my car again. He wanted to talk, but all he could say was “vala pav chahiye”. The signal turned green and I moved on still touched to the core. If only I could help more!