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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Be yourself before me

Its ok to be sad its ok to grieve,
What you show others is what they really believe.

No one notices your sorrow neither your pain,
Its best to cry your tears when there is rain.

You can be yourself, you can tell me you are hurt,
I promise 2 keep ur secrets, i promise not to blurt.

If you ever need a shoulder to cry your tears away,
I'll be there to wipe them up and listen to what u say.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Missing you Madly

The nights have become longer and so have the days,
I hate these moments, I hate this phase.

I cant stay much longer apart from you,
I have missed people before but this feels so new.

Even though i hear your voice, I still miss the touch,
I miss your sweet laughter, I miss you very much.

Your memories, your thoughts, your letters wont do,
There is nothing on this earth which can substitute YOU.

Come back my love, come back to me soon,
Without you life looks ugly, and so does the moon.

I will wait for the day till I can hold you once again,
But please return soon, I can no more bear the PAIN!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Friendship At its Best


 Friendship is the greatest feeling of all times. It is something which helps you accept the other person as it is, no strings attached. It is about the times when your friend needed your help at 3:00 am at night and you jumped off the bed without a second thought. Its about those moments where you sat with your friends discussing the serious issues of life and forgetting them the next moment over a cup of tea. It is the hilarious laughter which u shared over the silliest jokes or the stupidest moments. It is the person whom you curse at the first small stupid thing which happens to your life including the loss of your belongings which you were supposed to look after in the first place. But it's also the strength which u get from after that first heartbreak, or failure. It is the words which you will listen to more readily than the words of elders or parents. It it feeling which comes over like a blanket after you meet a very old friend with whom u shared all those feelings mentioned above.
We have a lot of bad things surrounding us in our lives. But something which is greater than all the bad, is the good we can find in friendship. It is eternal and beautiful.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Wearing a Mask

Today when i look at the pics we clicked during the celebration of holi, the thought striked me that we all were wearing a multicolored mask. When some of us tried to recognize the others in the pictures, it was bit difficult at some points. But this was just a matter of some color which would wash off in a day. But what about the masks we are wearing in our real lives. Just to fit in the crowd or to show other people that we belong....we wear different masks at different situations. We sometimes change ourselves or alter our behavior to be like the crowd. And I don't blame the people who wear a mask...but rather the society which expects us to behave in a certain manner to achieve acceptance.

Only if somehow we did not have the power to wear a mask or the capability to do so, we could be such better people. We could atleast be real...and know each other for the monsters we really are from within behind the mask!