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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I Wish You Were Mine

I wish you were mine so I could hold you tight,
I would love you all day and kiss you all night.
I would never hurt you ever, or start a stupid fight,
You would be my sole sunshine; you would be my only light!

How much I curse fate which will forever keep us apart,
I care for you so much yet I can’t give you my heart.
I so wish you could come to me to make a fresh start,
It will be difficult to go away as in my life you play a big part.

I feel you are the only one who feels me on this earth,
All my life everyone made me feel like utter dirt.
You are the only person who realized my true worth,
I know it can’t be in this life, but please be mine in your next Birth!

Put My original copy as the pic....for some who love to read in my own writing.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Nothing Called Tomorrow.

“Tomorrow”, Does it really exist? In a way I would say it does not. There is no present, past, tomorrow. There is nothing called as time. What we perceive as time is just objects moving in open space, because of inertia. Just because the earth can’t stop revolving and rotating, we get the perception of time. Just because the Big Bang set things in motion, we get the daily sunrise and sunset. But look at it on a wider perspective. It’s just things moving around one another in space which gives us the feeling that things are changing. Maybe things are not changing at all. It is just a transfer of energy that a plant grows into a tree, taking energy from sun, earth and water. Actually in a way we are a part of this whole energy transfer process. We are nothing but energy masses in this big space of the universe, like so many other masses of energies. Might be difficult to understand and grasp. But if you do get it, then ask again…is there really a tomorrow?

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Will You Be My Valentine?

I know that you will never fall in love with me,
And I really don’t expect you to be.
We are better off as friends together,
Cos if we ever separate we don’t have to hate each other!

I don’t know if this is too much from you to ask,
But when I do I wear no particular mask.
I am not doing this not because I so have to do,
I want to do this cos I really like you!

I know we are not a couple but are very good friends,
Let’s change the meaning of the day & change a few trends.
It’s not just for lovers but for best friends too,
So I wanna dedicate this year’s day to you!

I don’t want you to do this cos I am telling you to do so,
If you don’t like this you can simply say NO.
And if that happens we will still be fine,
But if you trust me enough I would like you to be my VALENTINE!!