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Monday, July 19, 2010

Easier to Break than to Make~!

Human nature is very weird. And in ways our intelligence is our greatest enemy. People over ages have fought great wars to achieve peace, whereas peace prevailed in the times when men were not so intelligent.It is so much more easier to start a war and break countries or groups over petty issues. Peace is rather a difficult aspect to achieve. A sore word here and there can start up the bloodiest of fights. People in this world are willing to fight almost on any stupid issue to prove a false feeling of supremacy. What men forget is that the proved supremacy, even if it lasts for a lifetime will have to eventually end its reign. Most of the fights are fought without the slightest of reason, and the purpose would not even serve for more than a couple of hours sometimes. But still men continue to fight over and waste their precious energy, instead of utilizing their creativity and intelligence for greater peace of mankind. And a war once fought takes decades or centuries to be forgotten. It is so difficult to bring the people together and make them realize a common religion and faith which is humanity and not otherwise.

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