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Friday, November 27, 2009

Through the ears of the Musician

As i listen to the music in a quiet moment by myself. Deep i think is its power. Mesmerizing, every string , every note, every piece of note. No confusion. The language of the heart....something which is so beautiful in its own terms. It stops at no barriers of language caste.....or anything else. It does not care for wars...or hate. It passes through generations without any gap. One remembers his own music taste his entire life.

How great a true musician can be, when he does the work of a great barrier breaker.
Music does not stop at life and death...stays with us our entire life. The power of music is the words of god.

If only could all Listen.

Monday, November 23, 2009

The Power Of Love

Love is the Hug when You are sad,
The Hope when everything gets bad.
The strength when You are weak
The warm kiss of a mother on the cheek.

Love is something which cant be explained
It is something in which one cant be trained
It is something which comes from the deep within
something which which u feel the most in your teens

Love is what has kept everything alive
The power in the world to make all thrive
Its the best thing ever made by god
Its one thing which consists no fraud

It is sad that all love is still not enough
To survive in this world its still so tough
If only Love would have been more all around
Hate and misery and war would have never been ever found

Sunday, November 8, 2009

A GIRL's Dream For the Knight In Shining Armor!

When a girl is in her before teens...she always thinks about the one perfect guy who would love for her...pamper her...etc short its every girls dream about the knight in shining armor. As a girl enters her teens she desperately seeks for the shining armor knight...But she realizes at a point of that time...that the knight does not exist. Because she has set up so high expectations about her knight...and the world full of men...are so devoid of those qualities that she never finds her knight. Well there is something totally wrong about the Knight in the Shining armor concept. What do we know about this man?? Basically his qualities are hearted.....rides a horse.... :P ... is loving...... but Y is he put behind a Armor?????
Is it because he looks bad?? Or maybe mediocre??? If that is the case then i think all the girls must be warned....because what they dream of behind the armor is always a handsome man.....and they keep looking for a handsome man....with all those qualities....which is a next to impossible. I mean how rare is it you come across a girl with good looks, intelligence and good qualities???? Handsome good natured men...are more rare than that!!!
But somehow if you are willing to stop unveiling the armor...and look through beyond the armor and the flesh...there are some guys who are actually great.....But i one does that. Even i wont stop searching for a good looking girl with brains....But i define looks on a very different basis................that i will say later...not a part of this topic.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

The World Is too Self Centered

U hear People talk...Friends talk...Relatives Talk....Classmates talk...Blah Blah Blah Blah....And what do they talk??? What do you talk??? I m this...I did Past this...My office that...If that talk is over than Y not start to Bitch about the stupidest person available? That is Fun eh? Thats what a fun conversation is about.
Are people in this Fat Wide World becoming too self centered to realize that all that they talk is about themselves only? Nothing else would suffice. I feel strange when a person can go on and on about himself.....with so much enthusiasm...that they no longer feel the need of letting others speak. They are in so much need of an audience that they would speak any blabber to get one. They are usually the loudest in the group...say the funniest things...which had a secret ingredient of criticism in one form of other....sometimes too fine to be detected. But they do get a good audience. An audience would like to get criticized themselves to have the laugh. Maybe i m too DUMB to understand this kind of humor. But somewhere i find the entire thing stupid.