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Friday, November 27, 2009
Through the ears of the Musician
As i listen to the music in a quiet moment by myself. Deep i think is its power. Mesmerizing, every string , every note, every piece of note. No confusion. The language of the heart....something which is so beautiful in its own terms. It stops at no barriers of language caste.....or anything else. It does not care for wars...or hate. It passes through generations without any gap. One remembers his own music taste his entire life.
How great a true musician can be, when he does the work of a great barrier breaker.
Music does not stop at life and death...stays with us our entire life. The power of music is the words of god.
If only could all Listen.
Monday, November 23, 2009
The Power Of Love
Love is the Hug when You are sad,
The Hope when everything gets bad.
The strength when You are weak
The warm kiss of a mother on the cheek.
Love is something which cant be explained
It is something in which one cant be trained
It is something which comes from the deep within
something which which u feel the most in your teens
Love is what has kept everything alive
The power in the world to make all thrive
Its the best thing ever made by god
Its one thing which consists no fraud
It is sad that all love is still not enough
To survive in this world its still so tough
If only Love would have been more all around
Hate and misery and war would have never been ever found
Sunday, November 8, 2009
A GIRL's Dream For the Knight In Shining Armor!
When a girl is in her before teens...she always thinks about the one perfect guy who would love for her...pamper her...etc short its every girls dream about the knight in shining armor. As a girl enters her teens she desperately seeks for the shining armor knight...But she realizes at a point of that time...that the knight does not exist. Because she has set up so high expectations about her knight...and the world full of men...are so devoid of those qualities that she never finds her knight. Well there is something totally wrong about the Knight in the Shining armor concept. What do we know about this man?? Basically his qualities are hearted.....rides a horse.... :P ... is loving...... but Y is he put behind a Armor?????
Is it because he looks bad?? Or maybe mediocre??? If that is the case then i think all the girls must be warned....because what they dream of behind the armor is always a handsome man.....and they keep looking for a handsome man....with all those qualities....which is a next to impossible. I mean how rare is it you come across a girl with good looks, intelligence and good qualities???? Handsome good natured men...are more rare than that!!!
But somehow if you are willing to stop unveiling the armor...and look through beyond the armor and the flesh...there are some guys who are actually great.....But i one does that. Even i wont stop searching for a good looking girl with brains....But i define looks on a very different basis................that i will say later...not a part of this topic.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
The World Is too Self Centered
U hear People talk...Friends talk...Relatives Talk....Classmates talk...Blah Blah Blah Blah....And what do they talk??? What do you talk??? I m this...I did Past this...My office that...If that talk is over than Y not start to Bitch about the stupidest person available? That is Fun eh? Thats what a fun conversation is about.
Are people in this Fat Wide World becoming too self centered to realize that all that they talk is about themselves only? Nothing else would suffice. I feel strange when a person can go on and on about himself.....with so much enthusiasm...that they no longer feel the need of letting others speak. They are in so much need of an audience that they would speak any blabber to get one. They are usually the loudest in the group...say the funniest things...which had a secret ingredient of criticism in one form of other....sometimes too fine to be detected. But they do get a good audience. An audience would like to get criticized themselves to have the laugh. Maybe i m too DUMB to understand this kind of humor. But somewhere i find the entire thing stupid.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
The Power Of Music
I started my journey to pune for the weekend. I was in the train looking at a musician playing his music with his one string instrument also called as "Ektara". The fellow totally unaware about the magic which he aroused by his music. The power music wields in the human minds. He kept playing on beautiful slow tracks with such finesse not once realising about its raw power. He was just doing his daily routine to earn a few coins for his daily bread. I saw people who were before chattering or just standing there bored diverting their attention towards the musician. The place became quite and all i could hear was his music being played. I kept on jotting my thoughts on my notepad in my mobile. Suddenly i saw a shabby hand in front of with few coins in it, asking for more. I gave him a 5 rupee coin as a thanks to the magic he just showed me. He was all in smiles. It was a reward for a very small person, but a very talented musician. It was an amazing sight when he played, because the people did not even know that they were looking at him. He was dressed shabbily worthy of ridicule. But when he played his string, he was someone with a strange magic in his hands. Strangely neither the people nor the music noticed this magic. He left at the next stop, and that followed the usual chatter of people around, which ended the magic. I put on my ipod back in my ears and continued the journey, with the magic still playing in my ears!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Death's Beauty Till the Very End!
Death's Beauty is too under-praised. People who have seen death up close have concentrated on its ugliness always. I find Death to be beautiful. Everything thing around a death becomes so silent. Death is symbolized as COLD and LIFELESS. And so are funerals. The Loss maybe huge. But Y the atmosphere is made in such a way that it is more silent than death itself? People never concentrate the beauty of Death. Ever felt the air in the funeral. Its so COLD so DEAD so DEPRESSED. Such is the power of death.
A DEAD body is the perfect symbol of a vast emptiness withing this World which can never be filled by anything else. The Feeling That prevails around it is chilling to the very core of the soul. Life may not have made the person a great human being. But He gets he same feeling of respect from anyone who does not even know him. That is what is called the respect for the DEAD. But this is not any rule made by a human. This is what actually comes from within. When a person is alive he may get varied amounts of respect from Different people. But when a person dies, all who see him or know him in the slightest will feel a feeling, that one which i cannot explain or describe. There is no different levels in the world of death. Death is gods greatest gift to man. All that God gave us in this life is actually an opportunity to understand something which is of the utmost beauty and Death is a timer slowly ticking towards us.
The people who have died for a cause have the most beautiful death. Because till the end their heart had a feeling of life, energy, the spirit to fight through the odds. The pain one suffers in the end is subdued by the greatness of there cause. These deaths are the once which are the Best. Because of the valor they have attained. The atmosphere has the energy of the person lingering in it. But somewhere when the body starts to one point everyone gets the same feeling. Pure FEAR. That itself is so Beautiful. Yet it gives a person courage if he can learn from it.
The Worst death's are suicides. There is actually no respect left. Its Just Pity. Such Death does not scare much though. Because people are so confident that it not going to happen to them. After that feeling creeps in heart suicide mostly goes out of option of a persons list. Because a person would never like to get the pity even after death(except for those who enjoy pity). Death has a beauty because it is also the End Of all happiness. End of life. People who read this, one small advice. It does not matter how u die, You will get respect. But which type u want to get its up-to you! And if u want a beautiful death. Its very simple formulae. The more u respect life the more beautiful your death will be.
P.S. For people who have lost a loved one-> I deeply regret your loss. And i have not experienced that feeling myself. It is sad i know. But i still find it beautiful. No Offence to anyone.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Time Which Does not Pass!
Ever been in a situation where you are forced to sit and wait for long hours? If you have, then you must remember the last wait at the ticket counter line, or maybe for a train which was delayed by more than a couple of hours. Or maybe at an airport waiting long hours for a flight delayed due to the weather. I bet that wait of more than 2 hours is not a pleasant experience at all. If you are in that situation with your best buddies, them time will fly before your eyes and you may not even notice.
But suppose you are absolutely alone in the situation. What then? How do you now spend the time? It feels that all the patience inside you has been kept at knife's edge. Getting Irritated and bored is quite easy in situations like this. maintaining your cool is a real herculean task here. The best thing to do in a situation like this is to maybe grab a book or something to read. But if you are not the reading types then you can actually enjoy looking at other people who like you may be waiting or busy in their own work. Notice them , observe them, enjoy their company without even talking to them. If you can read then a person's body language and facial expressions actually tell a lot!
If you are a guy, the best thing will be to place yourself strategically beside a group of chattering beautiful females. I know that eavesdropping is a wrong thing to do. But you can take the opportunity as an advantage, cos it was not your wish to be strung up in a situation like that, now what more of a interesting choice do u have? I bet guys will definitely find girl talk interesting!
If you are a can try placing yourself beside a group of handsome, intelligent smart and talented guys. Although it may take you more than the waiting time to find guys like this having all the combinations i mentioned above. Cos it is impossible to find just one, n i m talking of a group...whoa!!! Even if u manage to find a group of really handsome guys, then all they will be talking about is sports.....girls....and things which will be completely boring to girls!! Well nobody said that waiting would be perfect did they? Its ok to spend a couple of hours like that i suppose!
BUT...If your luck is like really bad, and you are all alone in a situation like this. Then dont do anything. Put a alarm(so that u dont miss the train or flight) and doze off, cos in a empty place you really have nothing to do!
Can You CONTROL your MIND or are you being controlled by it??
Ever thought about the fact that"One who can control his own mind can reach any heights of the world" in matters related to anything be it name, fame, power, love, anything at all. It is true. Because the human mind is capable of the greatest of things possible. You dont even need an example to understand the validity of this. Just think about everything you see around you. Yes it has all been created by the wonders of the human brain. Man was very primitive in the very beginning of existence and has emerged a lot since that time. Just think about the pace of technological progress a mere human mind has helped to achieve. But can a person actually control his mind completely? Can we control our minds? The answer to this would be a simple YES. It may seem difficult but it is definitely not impossible.
You can control your movements cant you? How do you do that? You just order your brain to work in that way??? Isnt it? Then Y is it so difficult to control your own thoughts and actions...which are a direct result of the commands you give to your mind. If one can control his mind, he can do many good things for himself and for others too. If you get stuck at a point where u cant decide what is the right thing to be done, ask your conscience, it will guide you to do the right thing, and you can tell your mind to obey you to do the right thing! Some simple steps will actually help yourself more than anyone else. Stop doing the vices which you are doing! You can control your mind, let the opposite not happen!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
All Doors Closed
Has there been a period in your life where all the doors felt closed on you? You felt trapped from inside so much that it choked your very thoughts. You got so confused about your existence that you even stopped questioning yourself for the reason Why life had become so mean towards you. What was the feeling you felt? Was it something like being taken down by a huge wave of the ocean, and you even though tried very hard to swim could not help yourself. You feel totally helpless. Like a small child struggling for some peace. If you have ever felt the tide of life totally against you, you would know exactly what i speak of. The tide is so strong and so determined to take you down, that you cant move an inch even though you try everything, but you get that weird feeling that everything is going against me. Things get worst if you dont have friends to help you out at that bad time of your life. I hope life does not take anyone through this route. But if you are there, dont worry, you are not alone. There have been others and will always be more in that same situation. Remember...when you swim through the most difficult tides you become the strongest swimmer. Although at that point you cant see any hope, but do not ever lose faith. These tides will be temporary, keep swimming.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
First School
Recently I went to the place where my childhood years had been spend. After 10 years the visit was so divine and blissful. I went to see my old and first school, where i had learned to run, hop and skip. Where i had learned the value of Teachers in my life. Where i had the first fight, first cry outside home, first friends, and the first Best Friend. That place gave me friends whom i have even yet, and will have them for life. This is the place where i had my first crush....and realization that love is a complex yet sweet thing. This is the place where i learned sharing things as small as a pencil, some food, without any selfish reasons. The innocence of that childhood remained retained over there of so many children who move on in their lives to better places and institutions none of which has the beauty of the first school.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
The Big Difference!
Being different is a curse and a blessing also. It is hard for me to understand which one scores more over the other? Am i like others? Y am i different? Y does no one understand me? What do i Lack in? Or do i have something more than others? Are these questions in my head normal? Cos there are very few people whom i know say the same for themselves. Am i not mature? How Would one define Maturity? Is it the ability to understand everything yet do nothing regarding it out of own self will? Or would a person be called mature just because he does not understand anything of the world in real but still just follows the Thumb Rules, Social Rules blindly out of fear of being judged? People are continuously running behind success. What is success? Is it more important than your present life? Does a person forget to be thankful to be just alive in that pursuit of success? It is a wide belief that being content with what you have and your present self will actually hamper your growth, but what if one knows the consequences of all this growing and success. Does Growth and Progress give a man ultimate happiness? There are millions of people who are growing and successful, but still unhappy later in their lives, and they somehow die in this sadness.
One Should Try to understand life first. Because once you go ahead and be successful and progresses, you will never understand. You mind will be too tired to work out the complexities. Being Different brings about thoughts like this which will never be understood! Because everyone is not different, they wont understand that i understand. I cant make them understand that they don't understand, they are too ahead and far successful to realize the beauty of this mere life.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
A Hopeless Love Poem-from a broken heart
No time to grief,
No time to cry,
I have been hurt so much,
My pain is unspeakable as vast as the eternal sky.
Why did this happen?
Was this my Fault or Fate?
Should have understood better,
But now it has become too late.
My Heart is broken in many,
It is now beyond repair,
Have nothing left to do,
Except grieve, cry and Despair.
I still pray for her and love her,
with whatever pieces of heart i have left,
i end this with no hope nor love,
I just hope she gets the thing which i got Bereft.
Monday, August 10, 2009
•▬●๋•lífể áńd dểáth●๋•▬•
Ever Wondered Where this life is taking you? I bet you did, once at least when u were depressed, sad or in melancholy. Then what happened? Gave up the search for answers? The people of the world are running all time to stay alive....For what? What you call a life in which all you do whole time thinking about feeding yourself and family....taking care of loved ones and after some decades dying. Wondered that what will all this lead to...nothing......then Y do u still run?
Do u believe that quality of life is more important than its wholesome quantity? What if you die tomorrow? Hell what if u have a sweet toffee after reading this article choke on it and die? Nobody thinks of death as so close do they? It is strange how humans manage to deceive their brains that death is such a sure thing, and it cant come to them. A college going teenager or a guy on his first job would say....heck i m too young to die!!!
Tell you what, you are not. No one is too young to die. Every age is suitable for death. So if u die tomorrow, in a car crash suppose...will be content? Heck no! You had so many dreams, You wanted a car, a good spouse, kids, riches, etc etc etc...blah blah...
Is that what you are thinking? Well than let me tell you, you are thinking the wrong things. That all does not, and never did actually matter! Those are simply materialistic things, which you were like a blind man following for your own happiness. You may ask what then? What should i think?
The answer is simple. Be prepared for your death. Live life as if you will die tomorrow!! And be fucking happy about it! Y??? That does not mean go to a bar, get drunk and laid everyday!! That is not what i meant.
Well imagine a situation...where you had a fight with the one closest to your heart...and u died! What a fucking waste. Your soul may never be in content. So do one thing from now on!
- End fights with a smile a hug and a word of care you never know it might be your last.
- Always let your loved ones know you care when u walk out of that door.
- Forgive mistakes and live in peace yourself, hatred and grudge will only eat your soul up in the long run.
God Bless.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
<- I Dont know The Answer To her questions! ->
She is bubbly she is cute she is nice she is sweet,
I Dont know her at all but y does she still feel like a treat?
She asks me Y...I really dont know what to say,
The only answer i can think is tht my heart has no particular way...
I know she wont trust me whatever is say or whatever i do,
She is no 1 i know but y is it that it still makes my moods blue?
How do i answer her if i have so many questions of my own,
I did not even hear her voice, not even on the phone.....
I dont think i m in love cos i know i dont feel love anymore,
My heart is bruised beyond repair i know it will always be sore...
I wish she did not ask me Y cos i dont know the answers yet,
I tried a million times but she is someone i cant easily forget!!
Cant Answer You Y..!!..!!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
My beautiful sweetheart!
The Music i hear is so sweet...
Yet your voice is better than any drum's beat,
When you lay by my side i feel you belong to me....
Your voice has the power to make my heart go free.
I love you with my heart, by blood, my flesh, my soul...
To love you all my life is my only one remaining goal,
Your face so serene it makes my heart go wild...........
Your sleeping sweet face reminds me of a very sweet child.
I dont write these lines to make you love me more.....
Its just i miss you so much it makes my heart sore,
I can express myself like this, which is the only way...........
When i first see you every morning, it surely makes a beautiful day.
Monday, June 29, 2009
ι ωιℓℓ вє gσηє ωнєη ソσυ ¢σм€°ღ•
Oh My sweet love My princess of memories faint.....
Y did leave me here all alone in the dark?
Cant live without you cant forget your smile...
You hurt my heart it left me with an agonizing mark!!!
I am here without you baby....
Waiting for one kiss, one hug, two smiles,
To get that i can and i will anytime....
Walk the oceans or a thousand miles!!!
Your pretty face dont go off my mind.....
The way you talked and walked and laughed with me,
I dream about you all the day and restless nights...
You thoughts will never let me go free!!!
I know U will be back, for my luv wont give u peaceful sleep...
But then i wont be waiting cos i will be gone,
You will only have my thoughts and my memories to mourn.....
But I will be then far away being REBORN!!!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
For Your Best Friend(girl)
A friend like her is for the lucky few,
She will never wanna see you going askew;
She cares and loves like no friend does,
Her voice aint honey sweet but like a bee buzz.
A great person overall through mind and heart,
Her all good things cant be jotted on 1 single chart;
Maybe i m overdoing this i dunno Y?
But she definitely is a person who can never see you cry!
I end my poem with best wishes and love,
May she get the best of all from heaven above;
God bless her life and her sweet soul,
Without such a friend your life would never be whole!
Sorry To Hurt You!
I loved you i kissed you i loved you even more,
I cared for you i hugged u to my heart
but still you remained sore
i did whatever i could to keep u away from being sad
but now i feel i was not good to u, --rather i was bad,
I m sorry to hurt you
i know what i did was wrong
but still i think i love you enuf
that we remain together life long
υη∂єяѕтαη∂ιηg ρнιℓσѕσρнιєѕ
What do i say what do i write,
M without a topic or a good sight;
Ma heart speaks nothing just beats a slow rhyme,
Am i worth a ruppee, a dollar or a dime.
Y am i here? What am i supposed to do?
I cant find out the answers not even a small clue;
My search never ends leading me to insanity,
I dont know what to do, how to end this tragedy.
Words are not enuf to describe my pain,
This ignorance if remains might not let me be sane;
Y does it all start and Y does it not end?
What did expect? For what purpose were we send?
Questions are many which haunt my mind,
Answers to which i dont think i will ever find;
Many of you reading will actually not understand,
I am a very strange person in a very normal land!!
To You Who will one day be in my arms!
Your love is honey sweet
Your kiss is a real treat
I like your presence so much
Your thoughts make my sole heart beat.
Your lips are like red fire
Hidden with passion n desire
I just want one last kiss from you
in this life before i retire
My love for you aint no fake
Its not just for my own sake
i really love and can prove you
pls never make my heart break
You will never see me cry
And you will forever be My
If i ever lose you my love
I will just wither away n DIE..
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